Types of Leagues

Our goal at Shooting League Management is to allow each league to run the league in a manner that they want, not to dictate the league because of the limitations of the software. Not every league wants to determine its winner in the same manner; therefore we have recreated the most popular of the various options and allow the league manager to decide which type of league to use.

The type of league is set at the league’s creation and cannot be changed once scores have been entered and the first week of the league has been closed!

Option 1 (Team vs. League)

This method of scoring will take the score for a team each week and put it against the scores for all other teams in the league. Points are assigned for each round shot, plus for the overall week. The maximum number of points for a particular week equals the number of teams multiplied by the number of rounds per week plus one. We have found that this type of scoring is the most fair to all teams over the span of the entire league. This method rewards the team that consistently performs the best over the course of the
entire league. By utilizing the handicapping system, the ability to “stack” a team has been eliminated too!

At the completion of each week’s shooting; the handicaps are calculated for each shooter. This option can be shot using the Handicap or Raw scores!

Option 2 (Team vs. Team)

All shooters are assigned to a team in the league. Each week the teams will shoot in head-to-head competition against one another with a single point being awarded to the team with the highest score per round, plus one additional point for the highest team score for that week. Each shooter’s score per round will have their handicap added, up to the maximum handicap score allowed. The team’s total is the summation of the “n” number of shooters on that team as defined when the league was created.

At the completion of each week’s shooting; the handicaps are calculated for each shooter. This option can be shot using the Handicap or Raw scores!

Option 3 (Individual Shooters Only)

Each week every shooter is sorted (1-n) by their handicapped score for each round and for the overall week. The top 10 places are assigned points based upon their ranking (ties share the same rank) for each event. At the completion of each week’s shooting; the handicaps are calculated for each shooter. For example, there are 50 shooters in a league. In round 1, three shooters hit 25 targets so each shooter receives 10 points. The next four shooters score a 24.88 with their handicaps so each shooter receives
nine points. One shooter scores a 24.87 so he receives 8 points. Two shooters score a 24.85 so they each receive seven points… and so on down to a single point awarded. This same scoring system is also used for the next round and the overall score, therefore the maximum number of points in one week a shooter could receive would be 30 points.