Individuals Only League Points Calculation

If your league is setup as an Individuals Only League – this is common for Sporting Clays and Super Sport leagues – the following defines how points are calculated each week for the league.

  1. Leagues with 10 or less shooters
    • weekly scores are sorted by round
    • points are assigned based on scoring order (max number of shooters) down to 1 point.
    • Tie Scores will all receive the same points for that round and/or week.
  2. Leagues with 10+ shooters.
    • Group the shooters using a Lewis Class for scores by round and week.
      • 10 shooters per group
      • If less than 50 shooters, group into 5 groups.
    • Assign all shooters in Group 1 the points equaling the number of groups.
    • Assign all shooters in Group 2 the points equaling the number of groups minus 1. Follow this process of each subsequent group receiving 1 point less.
    • If groups have the SAME scores, all shooters in these groups receive the same points.
    • Bonus Points
      • Assign 3 bonus points to the shooter with the HIGHEST score for each round and overall week.
      • Assign 2 bonus points to the shooter with the 2nd Highest score for each round and overall week.
      • Assign 1 bonus point to the shooter with the 3rd Highest score for each round and overall week.
      • If multiple shooters tie with the highest score, then each shooter receives the maximum bonus points with the subsequent lower points not being assigned.

Scoring Sample