Glossary of Terms

The following list defines the terms that are used throughout the Shooting League Management software. We have listed them to prove a common understanding by everyone when using our application.

Bank RoundThis is a normal week’s shooting that is scored and placed in the bank. If a shooter cannot get to the league one night, this banked score will be used instead of giving the shooter his penalty score.
Ghost ShooterThe ghost shooter is an “on-paper-only” shooter that completes a team if there are not enough shooters signed up for the league. This shooter is assigned the league average and then gets the league handicap each week if necessary.
Handicap Hi/Low OptionWhen setting the handicap information for a league, you can choose to remove the high and low scores from the shooter’s calculations. This option keeps a very good (or bad) day from hurting their overall average, plus it also helps to reduce the possibility of sandbagging in order to improve their chance at maintaining a high handicap. The number of rounds removed from the calculation varies depending upon the number of weeks the league runs.
Handicap PercentA weighted value for the handicap calculation. We default to a 90% handicap percent in our calculations, but you can control to the degree that handicap scores are factored.
Handicap Post-WeekThis is another option that has been included solely to reduce the amount of target manipulation in calculating a handicap. Normally, the previous week’s handicap is applied to the current week’s scores to determine this week’s handicapped score. If this option is selected, this week’s scores are included to calculate the handicap to be applied to this week’s raw scores in determining this week’s handicap score. Therefore, the shooter doesn’t know exactly the number of targets they need to hit to cover their handicap score – yes this is sneaky, but effective!
Handicap Max ScoreThis is the highest possible score allowed for a shooter in a round with the handicap applied. This value allows the league to award a shooter for shooting a clean round over someone scoring with their handicap applied.
Handicap ScoreA calculated value is added to each shooter raw score to allow equal play for professional shooters and those just starting out.
Known AbilityExpert: This person regularly shoots scores of 24 or 25 in a normal round.
 Very Good: This person regularly shoots scores of 22 or 23 in a normal round.
 Good: This person regularly shoots scores of 20 or 21 in a normal round.
 Average: This person regularly shoots scores of 18 or 19 in a normal round.
 Beginner: This person regularly shoots scores of less than 18 in a normal round.
League End of WeekThis day is used in conjunction with shooting-up and shooting-back. This is the last day when scores can be added before the system closes the week and calculates all the averages.
League ManagerWhen a league is created, it is owned by the person who created it. This person, or manager, can then add anyone else they wish to also have manager privileges for that league. A normal user can also grant themselves manager privileges, but only for leagues they create after turning on this preference.
League OwnerThis is the individual who physical setup the league in the Shooting League Management application. This person is automatically a league manager and cannot be removed from the league or as a manager.
Penalty ScoreIf a player cannot attend a league night and does not have a bank round, nor can he shoot-up or shoot-back, the system will assign his score automatically. This score will be the shooter’s average (per box) minus the number of penalty targets.
Penalty TargetsThe number of targets per round subtracted from a shooters average score used to calculate their penalty score. This value defaults to 1 target.
Raw ScoreNo handicaps are added to a shooters score, this allows for all league members to go head to head on pure shooting.
Shooters per TeamThe number of individual shooters combined to make up a team.
Shooters / Team ScoreThe number of shooters from a team used to make the team’s score. For example, a league may have six shooters on each team, but only use the highest 5 scores each week for the team’s score.
Shooting-UpThis allows for a shooter to pre-shoot his league targets for the week. Shooting-up is allowed up to the night of the league.
Shooting-BackThis allows for a shooter to post-shoot his league targets for the week.  The time period for these targets is from the day after the league night up to league end of week.